What has the LCF done so far?

The LCF members have continually worked on Lisbon Strategy issues over the past few years. They meet at least four times a year in workshops and larger conferences to present and discuss their ideas, recommendations and the results of their work. The outcomes of these activities are disseminated through the mass media and presented to national policymakers and to members and staff of the European Commission. Publications of articulated ideas are also available in conference volumes and academic journals. In order to reach a larger public and to intensify dialogue, the LCF joins existing networks and created a related website for discussions.  The expert groups monitor the process of European development consistent with the Lisbon Strategy. In several high-ranking conferences, the LCF has discussed future topics which have a key relevance for the European Union and its development with academics, politicians and professionals from the private sectors. The members of the LCF joined in a dialogue with all sectors which have to be taken into account when pursuing the goal to make Europe the most dynamic and competitive, knowledge-based economy of the world.
On this website, you can find summaries from the last conferences in Budapest, Lisbon, Budapest, Augsburg, Warsaw and Cascais. Please feel free to send us your comments and ideas.